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For a more robust overview of my plays, check me out at NPX.

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2024. 7 performers.

It's 1318 and something's amok with our Pope.

The Best Theatre of 2024 - The New Yorker

The Best Broadway Shows and Theater of 2024 - Vulture

The Natural Horse

2023. 6 performers.

The Kareninas, a family of ex-Soviet immigrants, struggle to keep their familial relations intact after their eldest daughter, Masha, adopts a feral horse named Goodboy and brings him to live inside their comfortable suburban home.

Maxim Mazumdar Award, 2023.

King Ear

2020. 0+ performers.

A Corn King reigns in the time of corona.  Download.

The Straights

Full-Length, 2019. 8 human performers & 1 dog.

Best friends Phoebe and Nina navigate hitchhikers, shoplifting, drugs, and a flood of selfies as they hurtle through the heart and heartlessness of America.

Vulture review of the JACK production.

Exeunt NYC review.

Feinting Couch

2017. 0 performers.

It's a play without people. Download. 

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